Welcoming the year 2019, I spent my 31th December reflecting on things that I have gone through, the mistakes I did and things I learned which eventually makes me a better ME.
To my surprised, I realized that I spent most of my time unproductively, because I worried so much. Sure, 2018 is not an easy year for me, I had to face some challenges in my personal life and in business. My dad got stroke, I had to deal with my own health issue, my daughter entered secondary school, which meant that she is in her “teenager phase” and I had to deal with lots of changes in her attitudes.
In business world, sure we managed to open up some more stores (Thank God and my team), however as more stores opened meant more responsibilities and more people to be built and manage. I love my team, we are where we are because of “all of US”, however to make sure everyone has the same visions, values, and work ethics are a big challenge for me. I was faced with unpredictable situations too, which forced me to make the best, but uneasy decisions for the whole company.
Maria Anggraini