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Wesley Outer Denim

Sale priceRp 289.000

This Is April Kemeja Denim Wanita Kekinan Wesley Outer – Denim A100919001
Detail size :
Bust / Lingkar Dada : 122  cm 
Shoulder / Lebar Bahu : 57 cm 
Arm / Lingkar Lengan : 58 cm 
Sleeve / Panjang Lengan :45 cm 
Length / Panjang Baju : 70 cm 
Fabric: Cotton Denim      
Available color: Denim    
Non lined 
Non sheer
Material has no stretch
Front button for closure
Functional front pocket
recommended for all size   

The "Mixed Oversized Denim Top" is a versatile and stylish addition to any wardrobe. The oversized 
silhouette of the top is not only ontrend but also incredibly flattering. The loose fit drapes effortlessly over the body, creating a relaxed and effortless look. The dropped shoulders and wide sleeves add to the relaxed vibe of the top, making it a comfortable and easytowear piece. 
Occasion : Goto outfit, Perfect for day to day wear , Casual look , Brunch Outfit , 
Daily look, weekend getaway, date look, girly look, summer look

Kemeja denim wanita lengan panjang ini hadir dengan desain unik, di mana bagian kanan bermotif stripe dan bagian kiri polos. Dilengkapi saku aktif di kedua sisi serta kancing pada pergelangan lengan, kemeja ini praktis dan mudah disesuaikan untuk berbagai gaya. Model berkerah klasik memberikan kesan rapi, sementara potongan belakang yang lebih panjang dari depan menambah sentuhan modern. Dibuat dari bahan denim berkualitas, kemeja ini nyaman dipakai dan cocok untuk tampilan kasual maupun semiformal.
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